
President Dr. Richarda Russ invites His Serene Highness, Crown Prince Albert of Monaco, to the 2003 Charity Ball, held in Toronto.
Every year Polish Orphans Charity makes the proactive effort of widening
our scope and raising the bar. Under the theme of "Without Borders", we
always try to direct our fundraising efforts towards helping orphaned or underprivilaged
children where we believe our help is most needed and where we can best fulfil our mandate.
Our flagship fundraising activity is through our annual Ball Pologne. As such, many important guests have been invited over the years from all over the world, including distiguished representatives of countries where our raised funds are destined to. Our cause is supported worldwide as well as locally right here in Toronto, Ontario and federally in Canada.
Our efforts are often honoured by great praise from prominent individuals and organizations who recognize the important work that we do. We therefore would like to share some of these statements of recognition below:
Our flagship fundraising activity is through our annual Ball Pologne. As such, many important guests have been invited over the years from all over the world, including distiguished representatives of countries where our raised funds are destined to. Our cause is supported worldwide as well as locally right here in Toronto, Ontario and federally in Canada.
Our efforts are often honoured by great praise from prominent individuals and organizations who recognize the important work that we do. We therefore would like to share some of these statements of recognition below:
Children's Letters...
In addition to the letters below, we are happy and proud to also now include a sampling
of Thank You letters written and illustrated by the Children who's lives have been
enriched through the playgrounds built by Polish Orphans Charity. Please click HERE to see the letters (written
in Polish).

We share a 2014 Easter thank you card we graciously received from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge along with newborn Prince George...

We share a lovely Christmas card and wishes for 2014 we received from our patron, H.R.H. Prince Albert of Monaco...