Scholarships Awarded in 2018
Every year since its founding, the Toronto-based Polish Orphans Charity has been providing support to artistically talented orphans in Poland. Here are the Scholarships presentations in 2018:Radom: Scholarships founded by Dr. Richarda D. Russ, the founder and president of Polish Orphans Charity in Canada, were awarded in the city of Radom on October 25th, 2018 - 20 underprivileged children received our Art Found certificates ($1,000 CAD each) during an official ceremony organized by our Board Member and representative in Poland, Mr. Krzysztof Gajewski in presence of the Ambassador of Canada and the mayor of Radom...

Warsaw: 20 scholarships founded by Polish Orphans Charity in Canada ($1,000 CAD each) for orphans and underprivileged children were awarded in Warsaw on October 18, 2018. The official ceremony was organized and held by our Board Member and representative in Poland, Mrs. Edyta Krasowska in presence of the Ambassador of Canada and other city officials...

Scholarships Awarded in 2017
The Toronto-based Polish Orphans Charity has been providing support to artistically talented orphans in Poland. Here are the Scholarships presentations in 2017:Radom: scholarships were awarded in Radom...

Warsaw: scholarships were awarded in Warsaw...

Scholarships Awarded in 2015
Every year since its founding, the Toronto-based Polish Orphans Charity has been providing support to artistically talented orphans in Poland. Here are the Scholarships presentations in 2015:Radom: 22 scholarships were awarded on September 26, 2015 in Radom...

Warsaw: 22 scholarships were awarded on November 6, 2015 in Warsaw...

Scholarships Awarded in 2014
Every year since its founding, the Toronto-based Polish Orphans Charity has been providing support to artistically talented orphans in Poland. Here are the Scholarships presentations in 2014:Mazovia: 20 scholarships were awarded in Warsaw at the Fryderyk Chopin Museum on October 24, 2014. It was a very unique ceremony, as our special guests of honour were: wife of Governor General of Canada, Her Excellency Sharon Johnston and wife of President of Poland, First Lady Anna Komorowska. Scholarships were awarded by POC Vice President, Michael Wojnarowicz. Also among other special guests were: the representative of the Canadian Embassy in Poland, Aleksander Fieglar, Governor of Mazovia, Jacek Kozlowski and Mayor of Warsaw-Wawer, Jolanta Koczorowska. After all the scholarships were awarded, there was a short talent show given by the scholarship recipients. Our special thanks to POC Board Member and representative in Poland, Krzysztof Gajewski who organized and hosted the ceremony, making it a very memorable event for everyone.

More info and photos in Polish POC website – Gallery (Warsaw 2014)
Video by Polish media TVN
News - Official website of The Governor General of Canada Thank you note from Her Excellency Mrs. Sharon Johnston after the ceremony in Warsaw
Video by Polish media TVN
News - Official website of The Governor General of Canada Thank you note from Her Excellency Mrs. Sharon Johnston after the ceremony in Warsaw
Radom: 24 scholarships were awarded on October 3rd, 2014 in the presence of Aleksander Fieglar representing the Canadian Embassy in Poland along with other officials and members of government from Mazovia and the city of Radom: Radosław Witkowski, Leszek Ruszczyk, Dariusz Wójcik, Rafał Czajkowski and Piotr Szprendałowicz. The ceremony was hosted by POC Board Member in Poland, Krzysztof Gajewski. It was the 8th annual scholarship award ceremony in Radom and another success benefiting underprivileged children who are also particularly artistically talented. It was also an honour that the ceremony was held under official patronage of First Lady Anna Komorowska, wife of the President of Poland.

Scholarships Awarded in 2013
Here are the Scholarships presentations in 2013:Katowice: 10 scholarships were awarded in Katowice on November 22, 2013 in presence of Jan Kulbicki, director of Youth Centre and other officials of the city of Katowice, as well as Polish Orphans Charity representatives, Krzysztof Gajewski and Edyta Krasowska. All 10 scholarships were awarded in memory of Irena Cebo-Kozik.

Radom: 14 scholarships were awarded on September 3, 2013 in the presence of Vice President of POC Michael Wojnarowicz, Board Member in Poland Krzysztof Gajewski, designated representative from the Canadian Embassy in Poland Pamela Isfeld, former CBC journalist Jerzy Jastrzebowski, and other officials from the city of Radom.

Mazovia: 20 Scholarships were awarded in Warsaw on September 24, 2013 (see next photo) in the presence of the Ambassador of Canada for Poland, Aleksandra Bugailiskis (subsequent photo), POC Board Member in Poland Krzysztof Gajewski, along with other officials and members of local government. Scholarships were awarded in memory of Irena Cebo-Kozik.

To view photographs from these and similar such events throughout Poland, please click below to view the gallaries presented on our sister site, Polish Orphans Charity in Poland, polishorphans.pl

Here are some additional links, articles and photos from the ceremony in the City Hall of Radom in Polish:
Scholarships Awarded in 2012
The Toronto-based Polish Orphans Charity's main aim, since its founding in 2000, has been to provide support to artistically talented orphans in Poland. Since then well over 150 children in Poland have received scholarships and the organization has also funded over 60 playgrounds at various children’s homes. In this respect, here is what we accomplished in 2012:Starting in Radom on July 3, 2012, 24 scholarships awarded in the presence of Chris Korwin–Kuczynski, Member of the Board of the Polish Orphans Charity in Toronto, along with Jerzy Jastrzebowski, former CBC journalist, Krzysztof Gajewski and Edyta Krasowska, Members of the Boards in Poland, officials from the city of Radom, and designated representative from the Canadian Embassy in Poland, Ewa Cichocka.
Subsequently, 15 Scholarships were awarded in Kielce, Poland on September 17, 2012.
To view photographs from these and similar such events throughout Poland, please click below to view the gallaries presented on our sister site, Polish Orphans Charity in Poland, polishorphans.pl

Here are some additional links to various media reports within Poland regarding our scholarship activities:
Scholarships Awarded in 2011
Here is what we accomplished in 2011:20 scholarships awarded in Radom (2011):

15 scholarships awarded in Kielce (2011):

22 scholarships awarded in Warsaw (2011):

November 28, 2011... 22 scholarships funded by the Toronto-based Polish Orphans Charity
were awarded to artistically talented children from the Mazovia voyvodship. The
awards were presented by Ambassador Daniel Costello and Deputy Voiviod Dariusz Piatek.
14 of the scholarship recipients come from children’s homes or underprivileged families
in Warsaw. The youngest was seven years old, the eldest - 18. These non-monetary
scholarships will be used to acquire musical instruments, artist’s materials or
other supplies which will help these artistically talented children pursue their
passions. Each scholarship was equivalent to CAD$1,000.00.
Source: http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/poland-pologne/highlights-faits/POCH.aspx
Source: http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/poland-pologne/highlights-faits/POCH.aspx

51 Scholarships Awarded:2010 Ceremony
Polish Orphans Charity, on October 15, 2010, awarded 51 scholarships for artistically talented children. The annual ceremony took place in the City of Radom, Poland. Each scholarship was equivalent to CAD$1,000.00.The following is an English translation of the speech given, originally in the Polish language, by Mr. Krzysztof Gajewski at the awards cermony. Mr. Gajewski is a member of the Advisory Board of Polish Orphans Charity, member of the Scholarship Chapter and organizer of the awards ceremony in Radom, Poland:
(see related video here)
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today is a very special day for our wonderful recipients of Polish Orphans Charity scholarships. It’s a celebration of patriotism - a day to cherish Polish Canadians who care about our talented children in Poland. (Continued below...)
Today is a very special day for our wonderful recipients of Polish Orphans Charity scholarships. It’s a celebration of patriotism - a day to cherish Polish Canadians who care about our talented children in Poland. (Continued below...)

Polish Orphans Charity scholarship awards ceremony in Radom, Poland 2010.
On this occasion, I would like to welcome our special guests:
- Mrs. Jeanette Stovel – Political Advisor of the Canadian Embassy in Poland
- Mr. Jacek Kozłowski – Governor of the Province of Mazovia, and an honourable patron of our scholarship program in Mazovia region
- Mr. Piotr Szprendałowicz – Member of the Legistlature of the Province of Mazovia, and an honourable patron of our Mazovian scholarships program
- Mr. Andrzej Kosztowniak – President of Radom and a signing partner in the agreement between the Radom commune and Polish Orphans Charity
- Mr. Dariusz Wójcik – Chair of the Board of the city of Radom and the host of this facility where we gather today, who has always been very courteous towards our foundation
- Mrs. Mira Skoczen – Head of the Cultural Department of Wawer district in the city of Warsaw
- Mrs. Anna Gromska - Director of the Family Support Centre in the city of Kielce
- Dr. Rozalia Jaguś – our supporter, representing the city of Kielce
- I sincerely welcome all of the members of our Scholarship Chapter:
- Mrs. Edyta Krassowska, Head of the Board of Polish Orphans Charity in Poland,
- Dr. Teodora Słoń, Member of the Scholarship Chapter
- Mr. Radosław Witkowski, member of the Scholarship Chapter and member of Parliament in the Republic of Poland
Last but not least, I welcome YOU our wonderful, talented scholarship recipients. There is no doubt that YOU are the most important in this room today.
There are moments in life that are worth waiting for. It is worth waiting for a given chance to help others. On behalf Polish Orphans Charity in Toronto Canada, we are giving you today, our dear recipients, nothing more than an opportunity to explore your gifts and talents. Whether you’re going to take that chance seriously – it will depend on you and only you!
The first Radom Scholarship is being awarded in memory of DOROTA and ROMAN FURMAN, and the first Mazovian Scholarship is being awarded in memory of ANNA and EDWIN CICHON. Both of these couples spent their lives in Canada, but have never forgotten about their homeland, Poland. They dedicated a part of their estate to support Polish orphans and children in need. It would be customary to honour our donors with a minute of silence, but I have another suggestion – let’s honour them with an applause, which will reach them in heaven right from this room in Radom from all children of Mazovia.
I am very pleased to share some other good news today. What makes us very happy (me personally, and all members of the P.O.C. foundation) is the fact that, during this year, we have an opportunity to expand our Scholarship Program in other cities in Poland. Therefore, we’ve been honoured with the presence of representatives of Kielce and Warsaw, who join our ceremony today to see first-handedly our development of the scholarship program in Radom.
Lastly, I would like to mention that just two days ago, I presented my Masters thesis to my professor at the University of Warsaw, in which I wrote about Polish Orphans Charity and its activities in Poland between 2003 and 2010. I need to stress that I dedicated my work to Dr. Richarda Russ, the founder of the charity, a wonderful woman, who has placed her trust in me and vice-versa. Without her, we wouldn’t be here today.
God bless all the children and all the good people in Poland and Canada.
» For original Polish text - Here (PDF)
The following text (in Polish) is from a media website in Poland.
(Source link: www.tygodnikradomski.pl/artykul/radom/1734). For more media articles and video, click link below.
(Source link: www.tygodnikradomski.pl/artykul/radom/1734). For more media articles and video, click link below.
Kanadyjskie Stypendia Wręczone
- 2010-10-16 10:58:00, autor: Klaudia Kornacka
Fundacja Polish Orphans Charity wręczyła stypendia dla ubogich ale uzdolnionych dzieci i młodzieży. Otrzymało je 21 osób z Radomia i 30 z województwa mazowieckiego. Łącznie na dofinansowanie przeznaczono 50 tysięcy dolarów.
Fundacja została założona w 2000 roku przez doktor Ryszardę Russ, aby pomagać w rozwoju uzdolnionej artystycznie młodzieży. Działa w wielu krajach na świecie, a czynnie uczestniczą w tym liczni wolontariusze. Dzięki nim wszystkie uzyskane fundusze mogą być przekazywane ubogim dzieciom bez ponoszenia kosztów administracyjnych.
– To nie stypendia, ale szansa skorzystania z nich, żeby się rozwijać. Niech Bóg błogosławi Kanadę, Polskę, stypendystów i wszystkich, którzy przyczyniają się do tego, że te stypendia są – mówił podczas uroczystego wręczenia stypendiów Krzysztof Gajewski, przewodniczący kapituły stypendialnej.
Jednak przyznane pieniądze uzdolniona młodzież nie może przeznaczyć na poprawienie swojego statusu materialnego. Wydane mogą być jedynie na dalszy rozwój artystyczny.
Rozdanie stypendiów odbyło się w sali Urzędu Stanu Cywilnego. Przybyli na nie przedstawiciele władz miasta, województwa, a także fundacji Polish Orphans Charity. Swoją obecnością zaszczyciła także Jeanette Stovel, radca ambasady Kanady w Polsce.
– Rozwój waszych talentów jest wspomagany dzięki fundatorom z Kanady. Jesteście liderami przyszłości, którzy będą ustalać standardy – zwróciła się Jeanette Stovel do stypendystów. – A rozdane pieniądze wprowadzają wiele dobrego i niech będą dowodem, że wasze sny i marzenia mogą się urzeczywistnić.
W przyszłym roku fundacja chce rozszerzyć swoją działalność i dotrzeć do takich miast jak Warszawa i Kielce, aby móc na jeszcze większą skalę pomagać finansowo ubogiej, ale uzdolnionej artystycznie młodzieży.
- 2010-10-16 10:58:00, autor: Klaudia Kornacka
Fundacja Polish Orphans Charity wręczyła stypendia dla ubogich ale uzdolnionych dzieci i młodzieży. Otrzymało je 21 osób z Radomia i 30 z województwa mazowieckiego. Łącznie na dofinansowanie przeznaczono 50 tysięcy dolarów.
Fundacja została założona w 2000 roku przez doktor Ryszardę Russ, aby pomagać w rozwoju uzdolnionej artystycznie młodzieży. Działa w wielu krajach na świecie, a czynnie uczestniczą w tym liczni wolontariusze. Dzięki nim wszystkie uzyskane fundusze mogą być przekazywane ubogim dzieciom bez ponoszenia kosztów administracyjnych.
– To nie stypendia, ale szansa skorzystania z nich, żeby się rozwijać. Niech Bóg błogosławi Kanadę, Polskę, stypendystów i wszystkich, którzy przyczyniają się do tego, że te stypendia są – mówił podczas uroczystego wręczenia stypendiów Krzysztof Gajewski, przewodniczący kapituły stypendialnej.
Jednak przyznane pieniądze uzdolniona młodzież nie może przeznaczyć na poprawienie swojego statusu materialnego. Wydane mogą być jedynie na dalszy rozwój artystyczny.
Rozdanie stypendiów odbyło się w sali Urzędu Stanu Cywilnego. Przybyli na nie przedstawiciele władz miasta, województwa, a także fundacji Polish Orphans Charity. Swoją obecnością zaszczyciła także Jeanette Stovel, radca ambasady Kanady w Polsce.
– Rozwój waszych talentów jest wspomagany dzięki fundatorom z Kanady. Jesteście liderami przyszłości, którzy będą ustalać standardy – zwróciła się Jeanette Stovel do stypendystów. – A rozdane pieniądze wprowadzają wiele dobrego i niech będą dowodem, że wasze sny i marzenia mogą się urzeczywistnić.
W przyszłym roku fundacja chce rozszerzyć swoją działalność i dotrzeć do takich miast jak Warszawa i Kielce, aby móc na jeszcze większą skalę pomagać finansowo ubogiej, ale uzdolnionej artystycznie młodzieży.